Wednesday, February 14, 2007

24 March 2006 PDN news

24 March 2006 ASX STOCK CODE: PDN The Company Announcements Officer By Electronic LodgmentAustralian Stock Exchange Limited Exchange Center20 Bridge Street SYDNEY NSW 2000Dear Sir/MadamFurther Uranium Sales Contract Secured for Langer HeinrichThe Directors are pleased to announce that Paladin Resources Ltd (“Paladin”) has secured itsthird sales contract via a Letter of Intent for a portion of its yellowcake (U3O8) production from theLanger Heinrich Uranium Mining Operation, scheduled for commissioning in September 2006.This sales arrangement with a US utility is subject to finalisation of all necessary legaldocumentation.The sales contract is for the purchase of over 2.5 million pounds U3O8 for delivery between 2007and 2012. Pricing will be market related to be determined at time of each delivery with escalatingfloor and ceiling price components.Paladin’s marketing team has confirmed that strong interest remains for additional yellowcakeproduct and that nuclear power utilities in general are becoming even more aware that newsupplies are now essential if supply shortages are to be averted in the mid to long term.Yours faithfullyPaladin Resources LtdJOHN BORSHOFFManaging Director